Category: Trends & News



Did you ever notice that when you put the words “The” and “IRS” together it spells “Theirs” ? How appropriate. One of “Theirs” initiatives that I pay attention to is its voluntary disclosure program. This program provides steps for people who have not reported overseas income (and bank accounts) to come clean without

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My China insider

It’s no secret that China is already starting to dominate the world economy. Understanding the country, its culture, and its economic infrastructure, however, is a daunting task, particularly for outsiders.  Official reports and media accounts are hardly worth basing an investment opinion on– it’s critical to have boots on the ground. I have

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Cost effective first class travel

I’m going to let you in on a few secrets. I’ve learned through a great deal of experience over the last several years about travel.  People often ask me about my travel habits because I do so much of it… and one of the common questions I get is “How much do you

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Dispatch notes from Poland

Travel mishaps occur from time to time… though the airline completely losing my reservation is a new one for me. I was all set to leave Europe a few days ago when a rather unfortunate ‘booking oversight’ derailed my plans for spending the weekend in New York City.  In this case, I was

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Weekly update

LATVIA / SWEDISH BANKS The link between the fate of Latvia and the stock price of Sweden’s major banks became even more apparent this week.  On Monday, Latvia’s government announced that it had rejected a bailout deal with the IMF, spurring new concerns of devaluation. In response, investors sold off shares of Sweden’s

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About that Croatian commando…

Remember that Croatian commando-turned-entrepreneur from dinner last night? Well it turns out he’s an aerobatic stunt pilot too… he’s got an old Soviet-made aircraft that is only designed to do one thing– be as unstable as possible. It does the trick. This morning around 11am Central European Time, we met at a private

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A late dinner in Zagreb

Croatia, in my opinion, is one of the most beautiful countries in the world, and the drive down here has been spectacular.  From Budapest, the drive to Croatia took me south along highway M7, which arcs gently across Hungary’s rolling hills and hot springs. But what brings me here is not the beauty

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This currency is overvalued

Burgers make better economic indicators than official statistics ever could. As I travel, I typically perform an informal price study of my own basket of consumer goods– a loaf of bread, a pack of cigarettes, a liter of petrol, and a handful of… non-family friendly wares. This is the type of information that

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The Truth About Nationalized Healthcare

Nationalized healthcare doesn’t work, and I’ll tell you why: I hold as my personal mantra in life that governments screw up everything they touch… and this goes for all governments, not just the United States Congress. As I travel the world looking for great opportunities, I always try to understand the quality and

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What I am doing in Poland

Poland– it’s a beautiful, inexpensive country with a stable economy, gorgeous women, and fantastic food… so what am I doing here exactly? Looking for citizenship. The country has been dominated, broken apart, and put back together so many times, Poland actually has multiple nationality laws on the books for former migrants, refugees, and

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Friday Mailbag

All- there were a lot of great comments and questions this week, I will review several here: LATVIA Excellent insights on Latvia and the way to trade the devaluation. Johan from Sweden asks if we are too late shorting Sweden’s banks. I think not, and here’s why: Swedbank, one of the largest Swedish

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What’s your breaking point?

You probably know the story of the boiling frog. The premise is simple.  If a frog is placed in a pot of water that is already boiling, it will immediately sense danger and jump out, relatively unscathed. If it is placed in a pot of cool water, the frog will happily stay in

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Four reasons to short Sweden

A final note on Latvia today before I put the Baltics to bed for now– Yesterday I argued that Latvia is definitely headed for devaluation, and that European governments are practically bending over backwards to make sure we know about it. In comments yesterday, the astute Mr. Marriott pointed out that the grey

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