Portugal Country Profile

For more details visit Portugal Passport Ranking
  • Passport Grade
  • Passport Ranking
  • Passport Score
  • Visa-free Countries
  • Visa-required Countries
  • Access to the World's GDP
  • Access to the World's Surface Area
  • Access to the World's Population
  • Access to the Unesco Sites
Citizenship and Naturalization
Birthright citizenship (Jus Soli)
  • Birthright citizenship (Jus Soli)
    Restricted: A child born in Portugal will become a citizen at birth in the following cases: 1) At least one of the parents have been a resident of Portugal for at least 1 year before the child's birth, OR 2) One of the parents was born in Portugal and is resident there during the birth. Also, a child born in Portugal can naturalize after only 1 years of legal residency, if a parent was a legal resident at the time of birth or if a child completed 1 year of local schooling.
Naturalization - Standard Conditions
  • Minimum residency period
    5 years
    Permanent residency is not a requirement for naturalization.
  • Physical presence requirement
    At least 6 months a year
  • Language test
    Yes, Portuguese
  • Need to renounce original citizenship?
  • Can minor children naturalize?
    Yes, minor children naturalize along with parents
  • Can naturalized parents pass citizenship to a child born abroad?
  • Can you lose naturalization due to prolonged absence/ naturalization elsewhere?
Naturalization - Your Spouse is a Citizen
  • Living IN the country: Residency/marriage requirement
    0 years / 3 years
    Must be married for 3 years. No in-country residency requirements.
  • Living ABROAD: Marriage requirement
    3 years
    Can reside abroad. If married for less than 5 years, must demonstrate "effective connection" to Portugal - frequent trips to Portugal, Portuguese real estate, participation in Portuguese cultural clubs abroad, establishing residency in Portugal, etc.
  • Language test
    Yes, Portuguese, unless have been married for 5 years or longer.
  • Need to renounce original citizenship?
Naturalization - Other Beneficial Provisions
  • Your child is a citizen
    No provisions
  • Citizens of specific countries
    No provisions
"–": The provision has not been analysed.
Visas and Residencies
Visas and Residencies
For more details visit Cost of Living
  • Taxation Type
A tax resident of a country with a RESIDENCE-BASED tax system pays taxes on their WORLDWIDE income. However, if you lose tax residency status there (e.g., by moving out), the country will generally stop taxing you.

The Non-Habitual Residence (NHR) regime is available to new residents, under which, your worldwide income can be tax-free for 10 years.
Portugal is part of the European Economic Area (EEA), allowing its citizens to live and work in any other EEA country, plus Switzerland. (The EEA consists of 27 European Union countries plus Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein.)
Schiff Sovereign's Take on Portugal
Portugal is one of Sovereign Man’s most favorite countries. 

For starters, bordering Spain and the Atlantic Ocean, Portugal is one of the continent’s touristic gems.

The country’s attractions include the vineyards of the North, the medieval villages of the Central region, and the glamorous southern Algarve region, famous for its resorts and golf courses. 

And the cost of living is more than reasonable, attracting scores of digital nomads and retirees alike.

In fact, we think Portugal is a great option even for American retirees, considering the relative proximity to the US. (A direct flight from New York to Lisbon takes about seven hours.)

And it doesn't hurt that Portugal constantly ranks as one of the safest countries in Europe.

But outside of these obvious drawcards, Portugal has many other selling points. 

First, you can obtain a flexible residency there through its world famous Golden Visa program. Investments start at only €250,000. 

However, the Golden Visa only makes sense if you don’t plan to live in Portugal – on average, Golden Visa holders need to spend only seven days per year in Portugal. 

Otherwise, the country’s D7 Visa for “people with means” should be a better choice – and it requires no investment at all.

Another reason to like Portugal – it currently does not tax crypto gains, making it a great option for folks sitting on unrealised crypto gains.  

Portugal is also a great place to become a citizen. It takes only five years of residency to become eligible for naturalization, and the process is straightforward. Plus, a Portuguese passport is a great travel document.

And if you have any Portuguese blood in you, the country also enables you to obtain Portuguese citizenship based on your ancestry

One thing to watch out for in Portugal is taxation. The personal tax rates there reach an astounding 48%. 

However, thanks to the Non-Habitual Resident (NHR) tax regime, for the first ten year of your life there, all of your worldwide income becomes tax-free, while any of your Portugal-based income is taxed at a flat 20%. You need to apply for the NHR separately.

(And if you spend less than six months per year in Portugal, you won't become a tax resident there – in which case you won’t have to worry about Portuguese taxation at all.)

Portugal is also a great country in which to have a baby. Your new child will become a Portuguese citizen at birth if born in the country. But unlike in most countries in the Americas, there is a condition you will need to fulfill for this to happen – one of the child’s parents needs to have been a Portuguese legal resident for at least one year before the birth.
Schiff Sovereign's Rolodex
Service Providers available in Portugal
  • Immigration (residency, citizenship)
  • Full relocation services (real estate search, bank account opening, driver's licence, etc.)
  • Tax advice (attorneys and/or accountants)
  • Corporate services (company formation, etc.)
  • Real Estate (agents, lawyers)
  • Banking contact
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Sovereign Global Explorer

Benefiting from over a decade of our team’s boots-on-the-ground experience, Global Explorer is where your international journey begins.
Portugal Overview
  • Region
  • Capital City
  • Largest City
  • Currency
  • Languages
  • Population
    10.3 million (90th)
  • Life Expectancy
    81.5 years (38th)
  • GDP (Nominal)
    $255.9 billion (50th)
  • GDP/Capita
    24732.61451 (48th)
Useful Data
For more details visit Cost of Living
  • Cost of Living
    Inexpensive (3/7)
  • Climate
    Very comfortable (1/5)
  • Safety
    Very Safe (2/7)
  • Pollution
    Very clean (1/5)
  • English Proficiency
    Very High (1/5)

Sovereign Global Explorer

Benefiting from over a decade of our team’s boots-on-the-ground experience, Global Explorer is where your international journey begins.
Portugal inside Schiff Sovereign resources

Articles featuring Portugal

Trends & News

How to Start a New Life in Portugal for Under $300,000

Could you imagine yourself owning a quiet countryside home in an area of southern Europe with a low cost of living? What if living there legally allowed you to pay NO income taxes for the next ten years? And you could do it all for €300,000 or less (currently about $294,500 USD)… Something like this […]

Second Residency

How Portugal’s Non Habitual Residency Program (NHR) Can Work For You in 2022

Can Portugal’s Non Habitual Residency (NHR) program help you optimize your global tax obligations? In today’s episode, we take a closer look at how the program works. Let’s get into the details below… Portugal needs no introduction as a safe, relaxed and scenic Plan B destination. Boasting a temperate climate and a low cost of […]

International Diversification Strategies

4 Reasons to Consider Portugal for Your Plan B

In September 1968, after four decades iron-fisted rule, Portugal’s de facto dictator, António de Oliveira Salazar, suffered a freak accident that caused a massive brain hemorrhage. Miraculously he survived. But he never recovered from the injury, and his enemies seized on the opportunity to remove him from power. Salazar had ruled since 1932. You don’t […]

HQA Visa Portugal
Second Residency

Portugal HQA Visa: A more affordable alternative to the Golden Visa

Looking for Golden Visa flexibility… without the hefty price tag? As we’ve said before, if you’re looking to settle in Portugal, you don’t need a Golden Visa — you can get the D7 Visa without the need for a property investment. The downside — you need to be six months or more on the ground […]

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