The US government has to sell $28 trillion of debt in the next 4 years [Podcast]
Last summer, the Federal Reserve wanted you to believe that inflation was a thing of
Political decay, increasing inflation and escalating taxes are all realities in 2024. Discover eight powerful actions you can take today to get back in the driver seat.
Obtaining a back-pocket residency permit doesn’t need to cost the earth. In fact, there are ways of obtaining these for next to nothing. Check out the below resources to discover the best option for you and your family:
How To Get Portuguese Residency With The D7 Visa — No Investment Required
How To Get Spanish Non-Lucrative Residency – Without Investment
Sovereign Man FREE Report: Best Places To Live in Puerto Rico
6 Places To Consider For Foreign Residency If You Ever Need A Plan B
Packed with authoritative resources, step-by-step guides, Black Papers, Q&As and special reports, Sovereign Confidential is THE intelligence service to help you develop and execute a bullet-proof Plan B.
Then join Total Access, Sovereign Man’s flagship subscription service and join the inner circle of the free. Enjoy full access to ALL of Sovereign Man’s intelligence products, and enjoy exclusive access to our Sovereign Private Investor service. Gain access to our top management team, and become part of a tight-knit community of highly successful free-thinkers.
Obtaining second citizenship, either by investment or naturalization, is a powerful part of any robust Plan B. Check out the below resources to discover the best option for you and your family:
4 Ways Anyone Can Get A Second Passport
3 Ways To Get A European Passport
Sovereign Man FREE Report (PREVIEW): How To Get An Italian Citizenship & Passport By Descent
Packed with authoritative resources, step-by-step guides, Black Papers, Q&As and special reports, Sovereign Confidential is THE intelligence service to help you develop and execute a bullet-proof Plan B.
Then join Total Access, Sovereign Man’s flagship subscription service and join the inner circle of the free. Enjoy full access to ALL of Sovereign Man’s intelligence products, and enjoy exclusive access to our Sovereign Private Investor service. Gain access to our top management team, and become part of a tight-knit community of highly successful free-thinkers.
While the majority of the world’s publicly traded stocks are outrageously overpriced, there are two proven assets that are not. Find out why owning gold and silver makes sense in 2021 and beyond…
Silver Hasn’t Been This Cheap In 5,000 Years
Should You Be Buying Or Investing In Silver?
Why The Price Of Silver Could Skyrocket
Sovereign Man FREE Precious Metals Report 2021
Are There Any Currencies Backed By Gold?
Then Sovereign Blueprint was created just for you. Discover the fundamentals of creating a robust Plan B, and discover why owning gold and silver makes absolute sense when engineering your own Plan B – in 2021, and beyond…
Don’t give ambulance chasing creditors a chance to go after your assets. Discover how you can discourage and defend yourself against frivolous litigation:
How To Build An Impenetrable Fence Around Your Assets
How to Drastically Increase Your Freedom & Protect Your Assets
Using Foreign Trusts For Asset Protection
How To Protect Yourself From Frivolous Lawsuits
3 Reasons To Store Your Gold Overseas
Sovereign Confidential gives you access to step-by-step instructions for dozens of strategies that can help protect your assets and increase your freedom. Packed with Black Papers, special reports, Q&As and access to Sovereign Man’s vetted rolodex of service providers, this premium subscription is a must if you’re serious about safeguarding your future and prosperity.
Do you see investors and speculators taking outsized risks to achieve modest returns? Discover how you can take advantage of alternative investments to achieve market-beating returns in 2023 and beyond…
Alternative Investing: Ultimate Guide 2021
A 3,500% Return From A Safe “Forever Asset”
The Dumbest Argument AGAINST Cryptocurrency
The 4th Pillar is our premium alternative investment service. Gain access to compelling deep value investments opportunities, often trading under net cash backing; event-driven arbitrage opportunities, such as legally binding takeover bids that can be purchased at a discount; income investments, and wonderful publicly traded businesses at fair prices.
Paying more tax than you’re expected to is not patriotic, it’s foolish. Discover the range of ways you can LEGALLY slash your tax bill below:
Save Tens Of Thousands By Legally Reducing Your Taxes
Puerto Rico Tax Incentives: Act 20 and Act 22
Opportunity Zones: Guide & Personal Experience
How I Legally Pay Just 1% In Taxes
What Happens If Puerto Rico Becomes A State?
Foreign Earned Income Exclusion: How to earn up to $108,700, tax free, in 2021
Sovereign Confidential is your ultimate guide towards optimizing your taxes – 100% legally. Discover how Puerto Rico’s tax incentives, Opportunity Zones and self-directed IRAs can help you radically slash your tax bill.
In the Land of the Free, Social Security looks likely to run out of cash by 2029. Discover how you turbo-charge your retirement savings while legally reducing your taxes…
Are You Preparing For The Wrong Disaster?
Sovereign Man FREE Report: Take Back Control Of Your Retirement Savings
Sovereign Confidential gives you access to step-by-step instructions and guidance for dozens of strategies that can help protect your assets, increase your freedom and maximize your retirement savings – all while legally reducing your taxes.
Raising estate taxes are high on the Bolsjeviks’ agenda in 2021. Discover how you can pass your assets to your estate beneficiaries in the most tax-efficient manner below…
Estate planning In the tax uncertainty of 2021 and beyond.
This free gift from the government is going to expire in a few years
One of the biggest financial mistakes anyone can avoid
What worked (and didn’t work) during 1970s stagflation
Sovereign Confidential gives you access to step-by-step instructions and guidance for dozens of strategies that can help protect your assets, increase your freedom and maximize your retirement savings – all while legally reducing your taxes.
Given the uncertain state of the world, sensible, rational people, and Sovereign Man members, in particular, seek to establish a back-up plan in case something goes wrong in their home countries. Obtaining a second residency or citizenship, be it through ancestry, business formation or by investment, is considered one of the key ingredients of such a back-up plan, or “Plan B”.
Sovereign Man specializes in publishing actionable intelligence about the best ways and places in which to establish a Plan B, and complement this offering with a large body of free and premium intelligence on asset protection, alternative investing, tax optimization, retirement planning, estate planning, Opportunity Zones and precious metals.
Sovereign Confidential is the world’s foremost offshore diversification service, giving members access to Monthly Alerts, Black Papers, Q&As and scores of proven Plan B strategies to help members gain access to more freedom, more opportunity, and more prosperity.
If you’re looking for a quick-start with highly actionable intelligence, our Sovereign Blueprint product is a great place to start.
The exact ingredients to a powerful Plan B will depend in large part on your unique circumstances, yet for most people, getting a Plan B in place involves obtaining a second residency or citizenship outside of their home country and, in all likelihood, getting an overseas bank account.
In addition, owning precious metals such as gold and silver, diversifying your investment portfolio, optimizing your tax commitments, maximizing your retirement savings and protecting your hard-earned assets all form part of an effective Plan B strategy.
Many people think that you only need a Plan B if you’re a high net worth or ultra high net worth individual -- yet this couldn’t be further from the truth. The world has become an incredibly uncertain place, whether you're living in New York, London, Cape Town or Lagos.
The world faces a host of intersecting crises, from financial instability and inflation to the rise of socialism, Covid and a climate crisis. Whether you’re wealthy or working class, there are a host of potential developments that could undermine your wealth and well-being…
And especially if you’re living in a developed country, the likelihood of increasing income taxes and even wealth taxes is high.
Being successful has become a crime, and socialist politicians are fanning a populist demand to mete out punishment on anyone who is deemed even a little bit successful.
So against this backdrop, getting a Plan B in place makes a lot of sense.
At Sovereign Man, we specialise in strategies that benefit you no matter what happens next… Whether inflation or taxes go up or down… Whether the party you vote for is in office or not… Whether Covid disappears or not -- our strategies can help you endure and prosper... no matter what happens next.
As a first step, sign up for Notes From The Field, our free newsletter, to equip yourself with knowledge. And download our Ultimate Plan B Guide for proven steps you can take to fire-proof your and your family’s future...
The short answer -- absolutely. Whether you’ve just set out in your career, or if you’ve already reached the pinnacle of achievement in your field, or even if you’re about to reach retirement age -- your freedom and financial situation are at risk.
As an American citizen, Uncle Sam’s money printing is reducing the buying power of the money in your pocket as we speak. The stock-markets have hit obscene and unsustainable highs; we’re living in a time of the “bubble of everything”.
Medical technocrats are hell-bent on keeping you locked up in your home, unable to earn a living. Socialist politicians are demanding that the middle class get taxed to death even further.
And when you do eventually die, incoming legislative changes mean that the government will be standing ready to take a hefty bite out of your estate.
And all this while “peaceful protestors” and the woke mob backing them are feverishly working to polarise the nation and foment violence across the country.
Now is not the time for naivety and hoping that everything will “go back to normal soon” -- in fact, normal is gone forever.
Yet the world is still filled with opportunities for those with the insight and will to act. But if you haven’t already started putting a powerful Plan B in place for you and your family, as an American, you need to take action today.
Last summer, the Federal Reserve wanted you to believe that inflation was a thing of
In the more than four decades since the Department of Education was created in 1979,
Politicians love creating new programs and agencies. But no one ever bothers to check if
Once again, the media missed the real story. The Wall Street Journal and New York
We recently received a question from a reader asking for my thoughts on crypto. He
And almost on cue, gold is at another all time high today and rapidly closing
Sovereign Man works with a team of experts based around the world to bring you the best strategies for legal tax reduction, retirement planning, asset protection and alternative investing.