America’s $36 trillion national debt is just the tip of a $100+ trillion iceberg [Podcast]

We write a lot about the US government’s dismal financial condition— $36.2 trillion in debt, $1.1 trillion in annual interest expenses, and a $1.8 trillion annual deficit.

But in today’s podcast we take a closer look at the numbers and the government’s actual balance sheet as if it were a business, including all of its assets and liabilities.

The government doesn’t just have debt. Offsetting that debt is a pretty substantial pile of cash, financial assets, and other resources like land or gold.

Some of these assets are significantly undervalued and worth trillions of dollars more than what the government reports.

So we dove into the numbers today to determine what the government’s actual “net worth” is, i.e. if you add up all the assets and subtract the liabilities (including the debt).

Spoiler Alert: Uncle Sam’s net worth is horrifically bad… on the order of MINUS $100 TRILLION.

In other words, according to their own financial report, the situation is much worse than just the $36+ trillion debt. And it really needs to be addressed immediately.

We’ve been writing for a couple of years that there is a very, very narrow window of opportunity to put the US government’s finances back on the right track. And there are few signs right now which appear to be helpful.

But other developments are frustratingly counterproductive… and even destructive.

Restoring confidence is a HUGE part of America’s recovery… and, let’s be honest, this administration isn’t helping restore confidence when it threatens allies with tariffs, or blames Ukraine for being invaded.

It takes us back to what we wrote yesterday regarding Warren Buffett’s somber admonishment: maintaining a sound currency “requires both wisdom and vigilance,” and based on what we’re seeing right now, that’s far from a forgone conclusion.

Click below to listen in to today’s episode.

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