Here’s our Friday roll-up of the most ridiculous stories from around the world that are threats to your liberty, risks to your prosperity… and on occasion, inspiring poetic justice.
True story about woman’s captivity by terrorists could “foster Islamophobia”
A Toronto-based book club whose members are primarily teenage girls regularly works with local schools to promote its events.
But the Toronto school board recently decided that they would not promote one of the book club’s upcoming events, featuring Nadia Murad.
Murad is the author of a book called The Last Girl: My Story of Captivity, and My Fight Against the Islamic State. It is her personal story of her time as a slave to IS terrorists.
The school board said it was afraid that the book would foster Islamophobia.
Click here to read the full story.
Let the Great American Renaming Commence
The Secretary of the Interior, Deb Haaland, has issued two secretarial orders to review and rename Federal land, parks, and forests with offensive names.
The new “Derogatory Geographic Names Task Force” will specifically review the 650 federal names which include the word “squaw.”
The term “squaw” comes from the word “woman” in an Algonquian language. It was not historically disparaging. But Secretary Haaland, the first Native American to hold a Cabinet position, declared the word offensive.
The second secretarial order also creates a new committee called the Advisory Committee on Reconciliation in Place Names.
But I prefer to refer to it by its acronym, ACRPN, pronounced ah-crap-in— as in, they will be ACRPN all over American history.
It will “solicit, review, and recommend changes to derogatory geographic and Federal land unit names,” when one is found to be “derogatory or is shown to be offensive to a particular racial or ethnic group, gender, or religious group.”
Whatever is considered “offensive”, of course, is in the sole discretion of the woke bureaucrats. And they tend to leave no stone unturned.
Click here to read the press release, which links to both secretarial orders.
Colorado Drops “Offensive” Sex Offender Label
In Colorado, sex offenders will now be called “adults who commit sex offenses”.
The state Sex Offender Management Board said the change will take a “person-first” approach to treating convicted sex offenders.
They claim that the term “sex offender” is offensive, and that referring to them as “adults who commit sex offenses” will cut down on recidivism.
Of course, victims may feel differently about going out of our way to make sure they don’t offend sex offenders.
Click here to read the full story.
The American Medical Association Implements Newspeak
The American Medical Association now recommends that health professionals use new terms to refer to patients— because doctors don’t have enough on their plates already.
The AMA released the recommendations in a recent report called Advancing Health Equity: Guide to Language, Narrative and Concepts.
Homeless people should be referred to as people experiencing homelessness. Diabetics are now people experiencing diabetes. Really? The word ‘diabetic’ is now offensive?
The report advises that doctors should “Avoid use of adjectives such as ‘vulnerable’ and ‘high-risk’.”
Instead doctors should use words and phrases like “oppressed” or “Groups that have been historically marginalized or made vulnerable.”
Doctors shouldn’t just say “sex” anymore, but “sex assigned at birth”— as if doctors ignore sexual organs and simply flip a coin.
The report also advises medical professionals to “Avoid saying ‘target,’ ‘tackle,’ ‘combat’ or other terms with violent connotation when referring to people, groups or communities.”
The report goes on to explain “why narratives matter,” because “Even the use of ‘free clinic’ puts a pejorative narrative that undermines equity. . .”